
Policies set rules for how the library will conduct business and bylaws set rules for patrons using the library. To ensure the library meets changing community needs, the library board regularly review and update its policies and bylaws.

1. Philosophy

1.1 Philosophical Statement 

The public library is an example of democracy at work; the record of humanity’s thoughts and ideas and the expression of their creative imagination are made freely available to all.  Thus, the public library must be accessible, and its doors open for equal use by all members of the community. 

1.2 Library Principles  

The Board endorses and is committed to adhere to the following: 

 1.2.1 Intellectual Freedom 

United Nations
The Town of Strathmore Municipal Library supports and promotes the universal principles of intellectual freedom as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which includes the interlocking freedoms to hold opinions and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. In accordance with these principles, the Town of Strathmore Municipal Library affirms that all persons in Canada have a fundamental right to have access to the full range of knowledge, imagination, ideas, and opinion, and to express their thoughts publicly. 


Canadian Federation of Library Associations
Additionally, the Board endorses the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries, initially adopted by the Canadian Library Association in 1974 and amended in 1983, 1985 and 2015, and readopted by the CFLA in 2016.  


 1.2.2 Access to Information and Communication Technology 

The Board endorses the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) Statement on Access to Information and Communication Technology, initially adopted by the Canadian Library Association in 1994 and amended in 2012, and readopted by the CFLA in 2016. In accordance with these principles, the Library views the internet and other publicly available Information and Communication Technology (ICT) networks as public goods essential to participation in a democratic and information-driven society; therefore, the Library recognizes that access to ICT is an essential part of the universal access to information that Canadian libraries provide and support. 


1.3 Mission 

The Strathmore Municipal Library will provide opportunities for life-long learning to the residents and visitors of Strathmore and District. 

1.4 Values 

  • To support the freedom to read and lifelong learning accessible to all without economic barrier. 

  • To eliminate physical and virtual barriers through creative space planning and by providing assistive technology. 

  • To provide cultural and educational enrichment to the community through its programs. 

  • To provide educational/recreational opportunities for the children of the community. 

  • To make the fullest possible use of proven innovations, technological developments and changes in public library service. 

  • To market the library’s information resources and services effectively to the community. 

  • To expand library services as population growth requires. 

1.5 Library Code of Service 

The Library strives to maintain an atmosphere of respect and has a responsibility for the protection of public and staff safety, as well as public property.  Everyone who uses the Town of Strathmore Municipal Library is expected to behave in a manner which supports this aim. 


The Library strives to provide its patrons with: 

  • Service that is prompt, professional, courteous, and equitable. 

  • A safe and pleasant environment in which to use Library materials and services. 

  • Materials and services that appeal to a diverse spectrum of the community. 

  • Assistance in the accessing of materials and services, both in-house and electronic, and guidance on their use.  

  • Assistance in identifying and connecting with other services and service agencies in the community.

2. The Library Board

2.1 Legal Authority  

The Town of Strathmore Municipal Library Board (“the Board”) has been duly constituted under the Province of Alberta’s Libraries Act and accompanying regulations, and the Town of Strathmore Bylaw 24-12, the Municipal Library Board Bylaw.  

Trustees are appointed to the Board by the Town of Strathmore Municipal Council under the terms set out in the Libraries Act and Libraries Regulation of the Province of Alberta. The Board is a governing board and is not only accountable to municipal council, but to all citizens of the municipality and provincial government. The relationship between the Board and the corporation of the Town of Strathmore is governed by a Contract for Services, amended and renewed as required.  

The Board bears ultimate responsibility for the fulfillment of the Library’s operations.  

2.2 Role and Responsibilities  

The Board has full management and control of the Library and will, in accordance with regulations, organize, promote, and maintain comprehensive and efficient library services for patrons of the Library. The Board may co-operate with other boards and libraries in the Service Area in provision of these services.  

The Board may delegate tasks to the Director of Library Services to assist in carrying out its responsibilities.  

The Board is responsible for the governance and oversight of five major management areas: finance, personnel, programs, policy, and advocacy. The Board upholds these responsibilities by: 

  • Complying with the Libraries Act and Regulation

  • Developing goals and objectives congruent with the library’s vision and mission. 

  • Determining the priorities of the library service and creating a plan of service based on a community needs assessment. 

  • Securing funding by requesting funds from stakeholders and applying for provincial grants. 

  • Keeping financial records and bank accounts and managing the budget.  

  • Creating bylaws which must be submitted to council for acceptance.  

  • Creating the policies that enable the delivery of library services to the municipality. 

  • Hiring and evaluating the Director of Library Services. 

  • Participating in the development of framework, governance, and operational policies. 

  • Regularly evaluating and reviewing bylaws, policies, goals and objectives, and amending as required. 

  • Ensuring adequate funds from government and other sources to carry out the goals and objectives. 

  • Participating in the organization and implementation of marketing plans and activities. 

  • Participating in the financial management of the library. 

  • Participating in lobbying all levels of government for positive action for libraries. 

  • Assisting in the formation of partnerships with other community organizations. 

2.3 Compensation 

Trustees of the Board take their positions as volunteers and no honoraria will be paid. Reasonable expenses related to registration fees, travel, and other related expenses may be reimbursed, if approved by the Board. 

2.4 Trustees
2.4.1 Core Competencies

The essential core competences and qualifications for a Trustee are: 

  • Conviction that the public library is essential and uniquely important to the life of all Strathmore and area residents; 

  • Commitment to the Town of Strathmore and area residents through service to the community; 

  • Leadership and/or business experience; 

  • Ability to seek and listen to input from all stakeholders; 

  • Ability to approach people and problems with an open mind; 

  • Ability to actively participate in discussion and deliberation and to attain positive outcomes; and 

  • Time and energy. 

 Additional competencies and qualifications of Trustees that may provide additional benefit are: 

  • Experience in one of the five major management areas of the Board: finance, personnel, program, policy, and advocacy; 

  • A large network of varied community contacts including the business/corporate, education, public and not-for-profit sectors; and 

  • Success in advocating for funding and political support, including grant writing experience.  

2.4.2 Trustee Legal Obligations

Trustees must adhere to the following legal obligations: 

  • To use the same care, diligence, and skills in managing the library’s affairs as you would your own.  

  • To become informed about the business of the Board and applicable policy and legislation, and to take advantage of learning opportunities to become a more effective trustee.  

  • Not to use the library’s affairs to your own advantage. If you stand to profit from an action or decision of the Board, you must declare that interest, and may not participate in discussion or vote pertaining to it.  

  • To keep confidential any private information you learn in the course of your activity as a trustee, both during and after your term.  

  • To put the best interests of the public library before your own or any other when you are acting as a trustee.  

  • Not to agree in advance to vote a certain way or turn a decision in a particular direction. 

2.4.3 Trustee Duties and Responsibilities

The key duties and responsibilities for Trustees are: 

  • Attending regularly scheduled meetings of the Board. 

  • Believing and supporting the vision and mission of your library.  

  • Being aware of your legal responsibilities as a trustee.  

  • Contributing your knowledge, experience, or expertise in the five major management areas.  

  • Becoming aware of issues affecting your library.  

  • Handling Board business effectively and fairly.  

  • Maintaining an active library membership.  

  • Developing awareness of the difference between Board and staff roles.  

  • Increasing your own and other Trustees’ knowledge of library matters through discussion, ongoing orientation, and attendance at workshops and conferences.  

  • Serving on at least one Board committee. 

  • Adhering to the Trustee Code of Ethics (see section 2.4.5). 

2.4.4 Orientation 

When a new Trustee is appointed to the Board, they will: 

  • Meet with the Board Chair or Vice Chair to review the Board’s mission, policies, bylaws, budget, role and responsibilities of Trustees, and meeting schedules and protocols. 

  • Review the Strathmore Municipal Library Policy Manual, Plan of Service, applicable Town bylaws, ALTA Trustee Handbook, and Alberta Libraries Act and Regulations. 

  • Meet with the Director of Library Services to tour the Library, review the programs and services it offers, and to meet the Library staff. 

2.4.5 Code of Ethics 

Library Boards exist to develop, promote, and monitor library services as a public trust. To this end, library trustees must be committed to the following principles:  

  • Trustees must ensure that the public has access to the highest quality library services possible.  

  • Trustees must ensure that individual community members have access to the most complete library service possible. Where limitations in service are unavoidable, any inherent inequality of service should favour those residents least able to obtain alternate service.  

  • Trustees must observe ethical standards with truth, integrity, and honour.  

    • Trustees must avoid situations where personal advantage or financial benefits may be gained at the expense of other library users.  

    • Trustees must distinguish between their personal views and those of the institution by respecting the position of the Board, even though they may disagree.  

    • Trustees must respect the confidential nature of library records within the framework which allows for the monitoring of material usage and the need for public accounting. 

  • Trustees must respect the established governance structure of the library.  

    • Trustees must attempt to work harmoniously within the Board and ultimately accept its will.  

    • Trustees must limit their trusteeship role to policy governance and advocacy.  

  • Trustees are expected to take responsibility for their personal development through continuing education opportunities and participation in provincial and national library organizations.  

  • Trustees must support intellectual freedom in the selection of library material. 

2.4.6 Continuing Education 

Board members are encouraged to attend conferences, workshops, and training that support them in their professional development as a Trustee or as a member of a Board Committee. Reasonable expenses related to registration fees, travel, and other related expenses may be reimbursed, if approved by the Board.

2.5 Lines of Authority 

The Board authorizes the Board Chair who monitors the Director of Library Services who supervises the Staff who implement the policy. 

2.6 Officers of the Board
2.6.1 Election of Officers 

The officers of the Board shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The terms of office for all officers shall be one (1) year. Elections shall occur each year at the Annual Organizational Meeting in January.  

2.6.2 Duties of Officers 

The Board may assign additional committee duties and responsibilities, as required to meet the operational needs of the Library and the Board.  


  • Is the official representative of the Board when signing documents on behalf of the Board, making presentations, attending official meetings, and otherwise representing the Board to the public. 

  • Serves as the official liaison between the Board and the Director of Library Services. 

  • Focuses the Board on the long-term, strategic direction of the library while creating an environment that encourages inquiry and conversation.  

  • Orients new Board members and assist all members in understanding their roles and responsibilities. 

  • Communicates all changes in Board structure and membership, including the election of officers and resignations, to the Town of Strathmore. 

  • Manages the decision-making function of your Board, including planning, scheduling, and presiding over effective meetings and the business of the Board. 

  • Ensures that the Board refrains from doing the work of the staff.  

  • Has signing authority for Library accounts and approves expenses and signs cheques as needed.  


Vice Chair 

  • Assumes duties of the chair in the absence of the chair. 

  • Has signing authority for Library accounts and approves expenses and signs cheques as needed.  

  • May have ongoing assigned duties such as Trustee recruitment, orientation, government liaison, community advocacy, etc. as assigned by the Chair. 



  • Chairs Finance & Audit Committee; prepares agenda for Finance Committee meetings. 

  • Sets up and/or monitors bookkeeping/accounting accounts and procedures. 

  • Is familiar with current accounting practices and applicable legislation. 

  • Submits a financial summary and status report to Board meetings quarterly. 

  • Has signing authority for Library accounts.  

  • Prepares, with the Director of Library Services, an annual financial report. 

  • Takes advantage of training opportunities to enhance knowledge of library financial management. 

  • Acts as primary liaison with financial service providers. 



  • Prepares meeting agenda and attachments in consultation with the chair and Director of Library Services. 

  • Distributes meeting agenda and attachments to Trustees prior to each meeting. 

  • Records minutes of Board meetings and provides copies to trustees as part of the next meeting’s agenda package.  

  • Maintains a digital repository of meeting agenda packages, approved meeting minutes, copies of reports, correspondence, etc. 

2.7 Board Committees 

Committees are established to conduct research, provide oversight, and prepare reports that are requested by the Board or are relevant to its function. The Board Chair may assign additional committee duties and responsibilities, as required to meet the operational needs of the Library and the Board.  

Standing committees are a permanent part of the governance structure of the Library Board. For each standing committee, a committee chair shall be elected each year at the Annual Organizational Meeting. Additional committee members will be appointed by the Board Chair to meet the minimum required committee membership. If requested by a trustee, the process of appointment shall be replaced by an election to fulfill the minimum required committee membership. Standing committees may only be dissolved by passing a resolution of the Board.  

Ad Hoc committees are established to support one-time or special projects with a defined duration or outcome, such as hiring, evaluation, and personnel matters. These committees and their chairs are appointed by the Board Chair and are disbanded at the Chair’s discretion.  

All decisions coming out of a committee shall come before the Board for approval.

2.7.1 Finance & Audit Committee 

The Finance & Audit Committee is a standing committee that oversees the administration of the Library’s financial accounts and records, including the budget, expenses, financial reports, and audits. The committee shall meet as required and consist of 1-3 members. The Treasurer shall act as the Chair of the Finance & Audit Committee. The Library Director supports the Finance & Audit Committee in a consultative, non-voting, capacity as required. Duties and responsibilities of the committee include: 

  • Oversees the budget and financial reporting systems.

  • Supervises development of the annual budget and reviews it regularly. 

  • Acquires and manages the assets of the organization. 

  • Supervises and approves accounts for payment in accord with accepted accounting principles. 

  • Provides guidance and suggestions to the Board as appropriate. 

Meeting Frequency: As required.
Reporting Frequency: Reports quarterly to the Board. 

2.7.2 Policy & Governance Committee 

The Policy & Governance Committee is a standing committee that oversees all policy and governance matters pertaining to the Board. This committee shall meet as required and consist of 2-3 committee members. The Library Director supports the Policy & Governance Committee in a consultative, non-voting, capacity as required. Duties and responsibilities of the committee include: 

  • Collaborates with the Director of Library Services to regularly review and update the Governance and Policy Manual. 

  • Develops new policies in collaboration with the Director of Library Services.  

  • Ensures consistency between the bylaws and policies of the Board and all Board activities. 

  • Supports the Board Chair, acting as meeting parliamentarian to answer questions related to proper meeting procedures. 

  • Stays apprised of government policy decisions that impact the Library and/or the Board, reporting to the Board as appropriate.  

Meeting Frequency: As required.
Reporting Frequency: Provides updates to the Board and written reports as applicable. 

2.7.3 Strategy & Community Committee 

The Strategy & Community Committee is a standing committee that oversees community relations and Board fundraising initiatives. This committee shall meet as required and consist of 2-4 committee members. The Director of Library Services supports the Strategy & Community Committee in a consultative, non-voting, capacity as required. Duties and responsibilities of the committee include: 

  • Collaborates with the Director of Library Services to develop and review the Plan of Service. 

  • Planning, organizing, and execution of cost-effective fundraising activities and events, as approved by the Board. 

  • Identifies potential community programming needs and opportunities to the Board. 

  • Collaborates with other community groups on projects of joint interest.  

  • Promotes community awareness of the Library and the unique role it serves in the community.  

Meeting Frequency: As required.
Reporting Frequency: Quarterly, at a minimum.
Committee Budget: As approved by the Board.

2.8 Meetings 

The Board will hold a minimum of nine meetings annually unless it authorizes the cancellation of a meeting or scheduling of an additional meeting. Dates for regularly scheduled Board meetings will be approved at an Annual Organizational Meeting each year in January.  

Meetings are open to the public and are held monthly at the Library, except for the months of July, August and December. Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the Chair or by at least two Board Trustees. Meetings may be held virtually with the majority approval of the Board. Emergent items may be decided outside of a Board meeting through electronic voting, when necessary. 

Any five Trustees of the Board shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Board, whether regular or special. Board members are expected to attend all meetings and to inform the Chair of the reason for any absence.  If a member misses three consecutive meetings without providing a reasonable explanation for their absence, they may be subject to discipline or dismissal by the Board.   

Policies are a set of coherent decisions with a long-term purpose.  They must be continually reviewed and updated as required by law or due to changes in the nature of the purpose or the environment in which the policies apply.

3.0.1 Regulations
  • Legality of proposed policies must be of concern at all times.  Steps must be taken to ensure that no federal, provincial or municipal statute and/or regulation and no existing library policy and practice are contravened.
  • The Board shall provide the opportunity for input on policy development.  Absence or lateness of input will not delay deliberation on policy decisions.
  • All policy recommendations will be written, clearly defined and based on the beliefs and mission of the Board.
  • All final policy decisions will be made by the Board at a board meeting and recorded in the minutes of that meeting.
  • All policy recommendations will include the date of the approval by the Board.
  • All policies will be reviewed on a regular basis.

 3.0.2 Procedures

  • The Board will implement the following policy approval procedure:

    • A policy recommendation will be introduced at a Board meeting and will be discussed and revised as necessary.
    • A motion to approve a policy recommendation will either be adopted, rejected, or tabled at that meeting, and shall be so noted in the minutes of that meeting.
    • A policy recommendation shall not be tabled more than once upon representation to the Board.

  • The Board will implement the following policy review or ratification procedures:

    • A policy not requiring revision shall be ratified by a motion at a Board meeting.  The ratified policy will include the date of ratification; and
    • A draft of the revised policy will be approved by motion at a Board meeting.  The revised policy will include the date of revision by the Board.
    • The Director of Library Services will be responsible for the implementation of policy.

3.1 Role of the Board in Policy Making

Under the authority of the Libraries Act of Alberta, the Library Board assumes the duty for developing policies related to the framework, governance, and operational management of the Library. The Board affirms it will seek input and direction on board policies from, but not limited to, the Alberta Library Trustees Association and the Canadian Library Association.

3.2 Adherence to the Libraries Act and Regulations

The Board shall adhere to the Libraries Act and Regulations (see Appendix B) and shall monitor changes to the Act and Regulations to ensure the Library policies are consistent with any such changes.

3.3 Confidentiality of User Records

All Employees and Trustees must be aware at all times of the requirement and importance of keeping in confidence all matters of a personal nature concerning library patrons and their transactions with the Library in accordance with the Libraries Act. This includes not revealing details of borrowing transactions of a patron to any other person or agency, as well as details of complaints, delinquent accounts, etc.

Any information identifying library patrons shall be by coded number and all actual names shall be considered as confidential information.

Patron records showing library resources used or requests for information and/or library resources may be accessed by a law enforcement agency only upon the production of a court order.

Access to patron records is provided to library staff as required in order for them to carry out the business of the Library.  In accordance with the Libraries Act, patron records may be shared with other libraries within Alberta for the purpose of collecting fines and retrieving borrowed materials.

Upon request, a library patron will be given access to all information concerning their records that the Library has on file.  Access to a patron’s information is limited to that patron.

Where not explicitly covered by this policy, access to patron records will be in accordance with the Libraries Act.

3.4 Confidentiality of Personnel Records

All employees and trustees must be aware at all times of the requirement and importance of keeping in confidence all matters of a personal nature concerning library trustees, employees, and volunteers in accordance with the Libraries Act.   This includes not revealing any personal details unless ordered to do so by law.

Trustees, the Director of Library Services, the Town of Strathmore or an approved service may access only the personal information contained in personnel records (for example, phone number) as required in order for them to carry out the business of the Library or in an emergency (for example, emergency contact or medical instructions). 

All library employees and trustees must be aware at all times of the requirement and importance of keeping in confidence all matters of a confidential nature concerning Library business.

3.5 Personal Information Banks

3.5.1  Patron Records

Patron records may contain the following information:

  • Name
  • Library barcode
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email address
  • Borrower card type
  • Borrowing history
    • (optional at discretion of patron)
 3.5.2  Program Participant Lists

Program lists may contain the following information and are kept only for programs where it is necessary to contact the participants:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • ID number
  • Age if required for the program
  • Email address
3.5.3  Surveys

No specific individual personal information is asked for or kept on library surveys.

3.5.4 Volunteer Records

Volunteer schedules contain names and phone numbers of volunteers.

3.5.5 Employee Records

Personnel records may contain the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Resume
  • Hire date
  • Position
  • Seniority
  • Hours worked
  • Full time equivalency
  • Vacation accrual
  • Social insurance number
  • Earnings
  • Health benefit information
  • Income tax information
  • Performance evaluations
  • Email address
  • Job related correspondence
  • Birthdate
3.5.6 Board Trustees

Board Trustee records may contain the following:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Current board position
  • Affiliation
  • Email address
  • Number of years of service
3.6 Records Management

3.6.1 Statement of Intent

The Strathmore Municipal Library keeps orderly and timely records of the business of the Library.  This policy ensures that procedures are followed that comply with federal rules and regulations, provincial legislation and with the needs of the Library.

3.6.2 Conditions

The income Tax Act of Canada and the Province of Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) are used as authority for the retention of records.

The Strathmore Municipal Library retains and disposes of records as outlined in Schedule A.

Records, as set out in Schedule A, are:

De stroyed - the records shall be destroyed without any copy being retained.

P ermanent - the original records shall be preserved and never destroyed.

Re placed - annual forms replaced with new forms.

Permanent records are held as:

H ardcopy - the original document retained.

E lectronic - original document maintained on line with no hard copy or original maintained online as a template.

3.6.3 Procedures

The Library Board gives authority for destruction of records, in accordance with Schedule A, to the Director of Library Services.

The Director of Library Services is responsible for the proper and complete destruction of the records disposed of under this policy.

Permanent records are stored at the Library.

Board members must turn over to the Board any records they many have relating to board business at the end of their term.

Staff members must turn over to the Board any records they may have relating to library business at the end of their employment.

This policy is administered by the Library Board and implemented by the Director of Library Services.

Any hardcopy records slated for disposal shall be shredded or incinerated by the Director of Library Services or an authorized person.  All electronic records, including processor memories, shall be properly erased prior to disposal or recycling by the Director of Library Services or an authorized person.

Schedule A: list by subject, description, years, action







Receivable paid invoices




Reports (not part of minutes)




Agendas – part of minutes


H & E


Copies, after superseded




Signature page



Alberta Municipal Affairs

Public library statistics (annual)



Annual Reports

Library board



Architect Drawings





Permanent files




Records of surplus




Temporary files








Deposit books




Memos (debit & credit)














H & E


To government








Design estimates








Inspection records








Receipt journals




Paid (cancelled)



























 Court Cases








Donation Receipts

Receipts for charitable donations



Employee benefits

WCB claims




Other claims




Job applications & resumes (hired)




Job applications & resumes (not hired)




Job descriptions




Temporary (term) employees after term of employment




Personnel file




See subject matter












Financial statement

See audit



Grant Applications




Income Tax





TD1 Forms




T4 slips/summaries








Records (after expiration)




Records (after superseded) year end








After expiration












Acts (after superseded)



Library Stats

Anniversary years




Business (after expired)



Maintenance Reports




Media Releases












Newspaper clippings




Personnel files









After superseded Beginning 1993



Project applications








Purchase orders












Special events files

Non historic



Summer Reading Program
















Training and Development Reports




Trial balances

Year end




Location of




Training and development




The Library staff shall provide information services and programs for Library users, both members and non-members, during the open hours of the Library.

4.1 Plan of Service

The Plan of Service (see Appendix C) shall consider:

  • Assembly, availability, promotion, preservation, and disposition of organized collections of library resources that, in the opinion of the Board, are needed to meet the needs and interests of the community.
  • Employment of suitable qualified staff, with the knowledge and ability to help Library users find information and resources they require.
  • Initiation and promotion of information services, program events, exhibits, and other informational activities related to the Library’s goals and objectives.
  • Cooperation with organizations in the community to promote cultural and literacy development activities.
  • Provision of fixtures, furnishings, and accommodation necessary for proper operation and maintenance of Library services and maintenance of the Board’s assets in a proper state.
  • Identification, acquisition, implementation, and support of appropriate technology to enhance programs and services as per line items identified in the annual budget.
4.2 The Delivery of Programs and Services

4.2.1 Selection, Acquisition, and Disposition of Library Resources

4.2.1(a) Selection and Acquisition

The Director of Library Services is responsible for the selection of materials.  The Director of Library Services encourages and actively solicits input/feedback from patrons, volunteers, employees, and Board members.  Considerations for material selection may be based on, but not limited to, the following:

  • Favourable attention from reviewers, critics, or the public.
  • Relationship to existing collection.
  • Popular appeal.
  • Suitable physical format.
  • Enhancing or expanding a specific subject area.
  • Special needs.
  • Local interest, including local history.

The Director of Library Services will ensure, where possible, materials present a varied point of view, even if these materials may be regarded by some as controversial. 

4.2.1(b) Disposition

The Director of Library Services is responsible for ensuring the Library collection is current, in good condition, and appropriate.  Materials which do not meet these requirements, have not been used for an extended period of time or are duplicates, may be removed from the collection.  Materials may be disposed via a Library book sale or give-away, donated, or recycled.  Every effort should be made to repurpose materials.

4.2.2 Gifts and Donations

The Director of Library Services has the authority to accept books and other materials on the condition that on the condition that these donations become the sole possession of the Library.  The Library will not accept any materials that are not outright gifts.

4.2.2(a) Donations of Money

  • Individual and group donations above $50 are acknowledged in writing (or other means deemed appropriate) by the Director of Library Services and/or Board Chair. 
  • Next of kin, or individuals deemed appropriate, are notified of the names of a person or group making an “in memory of” donation.
  • Acceptance of donations by the Library does not endorse the views, opinions or actions of the donor.

4.2.2(b) Donations of furnishings, equipment, art, etc.

  • The Director of Library Services reserves the right to reject donations which are not suitable or appropriate.
  • The Director of Library Services reserves the right to discard donated items at any time deemed appropriate. 

4.2.2(c) Donations of Books

The Library Board welcomes donations of books and materials to the collection.  Such materials are accepted in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • Condition of material.
  • Relevance of the material and accuracy of the information.
  • Relevance to community needs and interests.
  • The Director of Library Services can place limits on the amount of donated material. As a guideline, and subject to the professional judgement of Library personnel, a limit of one to two boxes will be encouraged.
  • Donated material does not duplicate existing Library collection materials.

The Library shall not accept books which, ultimately, are unlikely to be disposed via a sale, or other means, (e.g. textbooks, encyclopedia sets, condensed Reader’s Digest novels, etc.). Books without covers will not be accepted.

The Library Director reserves the right to sell, donate, share with another library, or recycle, any donated materials which are not ultimately added to the Library collection.

4.2.3 Challenged Materials

The choice of library materials by a library user is an individual matter. While a person may reject materials for oneself, he or she may not restrict access to those materials by other library users.  The Library recognizes that certain materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some Library users; however, the Library stands by the principles of the Canadian Library Association’s Position Statement of Intellectual Freedom (see Policy Section 7.5.1).

In this regard, there have been instances where the choice of material by a minor, was deemed inappropriate by a parent or legal guardian. The Library Board, in standing with the Canadian Library Association’s Position Statement of Intellectual Freedom, recognizes the choice of the individual and assumes the responsibility of overseeing a child’s reading rests with their parents or legal guardians.

If a parent or legal guardian wishes to complain about any material accessed by a child, or individual under their care, the procedure is as follows:

  • The patron is requested to fill in the Request for Reconsideration Form (see Appendix D).
  • The complaint form will be returned to the Director of Library Services.
  • The Director of Library Services will examine the material based on selection criteria of material.
  • The complaint and the Director of Library Service’s evaluation will be presented to the Library Board for a decision.
4.2.4 Library Resources Normally Lent
  • All resources, except those in special demand and which cannot be duplicated, including reference resources, rare and fragile items, and items of considerable value, will be lent at no charge, other than the Annual Borrower Card Fee, for home use as specified under the Library Act and Regulations.
  • Resources shall be loaned for a period of 3 weeks, with the exception of movies or current issues of magazines, which are loaned for a period of 1 week.
  • Resources may be renewed an additional 2 times if the item is not required by another patron.
4.2.5 Resource Sharing

The Strathmore Library participates in the provincial interlibrary loan network by virtue of its membership in the Marigold Library System, Alberta Library Card (TAL), and the Me Libraries System and abides by the rules and procedures as outlined by each.

The Board is committed to resource sharing as part of its service to its patrons. Therefore, every attempt will be made to make materials accessible to all patrons who are participants in the aforementioned programs.

4.2.6 Internet Use

The Library Board provides access to the internet in support of users’ pursuit of personal and intellectual enrichment.  The Library Board is not responsible for information on the Internet and only assumes responsibility for content on the Strathmore Library web site (http://www.strathmorelibrary.ca/ ).

This policy also applies to users of the Library’s wireless network.  Wireless access is not filtered and cannot be guaranteed secure.  It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that appropriate precautions are undertaken to ensure security of all confidential information. 

The Library’s internet users are subject to federal, provincial, and municipal legislation related to internet use, including the provisions of the Criminal Code regarding obscenity, child pornography, sedition, and incitement of hatred.  The use of the Library’s Internet services for illegal purposes is strictly prohibited and may result in prosecution.

The Library cannot monitor, control, or protect users from material which is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, not age appropriate, controversial, or offensive.  Users assume any, and all risks, associated with accessing information on the Internet via the Strathmore Library internet service. As a good information consumer, user should question the accuracy, authority, validity, and relevance of any information found.

The Library makes no warranties with respect to internet service or information found using the internet and, specifically, it assumes no responsibility for:

  • The content of any advice or information received by the user from any source located via the internet.
  • Any costs, liabilities, or damages caused by the way an individual chooses to access the internet.
  • Any consequences of service interruptions.
  • Any consequences of giving out personal information over the internet, e.g. telephone numbers, credit card information, etc.

Parents and guardians are wholly responsible for their children’s, or persons under care, use of the internet in the Library, or via the Library wireless network. For unaccompanied children, the Library operates under the understanding that assumes parents are aware of their children’s whereabouts and unfiltered internet access is available to all.

The Library Board prohibits use of its workstations (and wireless network) for illegal purposes including, but not limited to:

  • Harassment, bullying, libeling or slandering of others.
  • Fraud or invasion of privacy.
  • Gambling.
  • Display or dissemination of hate literature, child pornography, literature for illicit drug use, or obscene material.
  • Display or dissemination of any material tending to deprive any person of his or her rights, to expose any person to hatred, or to affront human dignity.
  • Infringement of copyright.

The Library Board also prohibits:

  • Viewing of pages which display pornography.
  • Viewing of pages which display brutal, graphic, and/or sexual violence.
  • Creating or distributing spam mail messages.
  • Damaging or modifying the Library's computer equipment, software, or network.

Failure to observe and comply with this policy can result in the loss of internet privileges, Library privileges, and in some instances, criminal prosecution. Library staff reserve the right to access any computer terminal internet browser history or via screen shots via CybRemote) to document any contraventions of this policy.

The following shall also apply:

  • Access will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Computers (excluding the two Express Computers® which may only be used for 15 minutes) may be used for only one-hour time periods if others are waiting to use the service.
  • Patrons are responsible for any commercial transactions made while using the Library’s Internet connection.
  • Patrons who damage Library computer equipment or software or attempt to subvert any workstation security devices installed by the Library will have Library privileges revoked and can be reported to local authorities.  Patrons are responsible for costs resulting from any damage they cause to computer equipment. Parents are responsible for costs resulting from any damage to computer equipment caused by their children, or persons under their care.
  • No software shall be downloaded nor installed on Library computers without the prior permission of Library staff.
  • All patrons who use the public computers are expected to respect the privacy of others using public computers.
  • A fee shall be charged for printing, determined by the Board.  This fee shall be reviewed regularly.
  • Staff are available to assist and provide basic direction and instruction on the use of the computer as time permits.

Internet and wireless access shall be free to any/all walk-in users of the Library.  A Library borrower’s card is not required.

4.2.7 Public Library Photocopying

Through the Public Library Photocopying Licence, Access Copyright gives librarians and their patrons a flexible way to photocopy portions of copyright protected published works, including newspapers, magazines and books, while ensuring copyright owners are fairly compensated for this use. Under this licence, Library patrons may make copies on a self-serve basis. This license also covers copying done by Library staff for internal and administrative use, as well as for patrons who require assistance. However, there are limits to how much of a copyright protected published work may be copied under the Public Library Photocopying Licence.

Photocopies are permitted of up to 10% of a copyright protected published work or the following, whichever is greater:

  • An entire chapter which is no more than 20% of a book.
  • An entire newspaper article or page.
  • One short story, play, poem, essay or article from a book or periodical containing other published works.
  • One entire entry from an encyclopedia, dictionary, or reference book.
  • One published photograph or illustration.
  • An entire report of a legal case from a periodical issue or volume containing other reports.

This Public Library Photocopying License does NOT allow copies of:

  • Crown publications (excluding those published by the Crown in Quebec).
  • Print music.
  • Works containing a notice expressly prohibiting copying under license from a reproduction rights organization.
4.2.9 Unconventional Library Resources

The Library shall endeavor to provide materials in a form appropriate to the patron, from applicable sources in the community to meet the patron’s needs.  Sources may include government or community agencies.

4.2.10 Borrower’s Card

A Borrower’s Card can be a Strathmore Municipal Library card, TRAC/TAL card, Marigold Library Card, or other public library card registered with ME Libraries.  A Borrower’s Card fee is assessed based on whether the patron is a resident of a town/municipality which is a member of Marigold Library System.  Patrons are assessed a non-resident membership fee if they are residents of a town/municipality that could be, but is not currently a member of, or in the event the town/municipality opts out of, the Marigold Library System.

Although Library resources may be used by any person within the Library building during regular open hours, Library resources may only be borrowed by patrons with a current Borrower’s Card.

4.2.11 Handicap Services

The Strathmore Municipal Library is dedicated to providing access and service to all residents of the Town of Strathmore and surrounding area. 

4.2.11(a) Building

  • The Library parking lot, building, and washroom facilities are accessible to the physically handicapped. 

4.2.11 (b) Assistive Workstation

  • An Assistive Workstation will be provided to meet the needs of residents with disabilities, particularly those with mobility and dexterity impairments, learning disabilities and low-vision problems. 
  • Strathmore and area residents with special assistive technology needs have first priority for the use of the Library’s Assistive workstation.  The general public is welcome to use the workstation but will be given a 10 minute wrap-up warning should a patron with special needs require use of the workstation.
  • Special support services will be provided upon request if they do not disrupt the Library’s day-to-day operations and are within the Library’s physical and fiscal constraints.
4.3 Use of the Library Rental Rooms
  • The Library will not provide support personnel or materials as outlined in the rental agreement.  Renters may pay for copies and/or supplies from the Library at the current rates posted in the Library.
  • Bookings are arranged through the Library staff.
  • Specific requirements for renting a room from the Library can be found in Appendix E.
  • Renters must sign the room rental contract (see Appendix E) and submit a deposit before the rental is considered finalized.
4.4 Videoconferencing

The Library will support the use of videoconferencing technology by patrons in accordance with Marigold directives and policies.

4.5 Public Use of the Library

In order to protect public property and the comfort of users, the Library reserves the right to restrict use of certain areas and to impose rules concerning the use of the facility.

  • Restricted for staff use - Some areas of the Library are not open to members of the public.  These include the staff workroom, staff washroom, and storage rooms.
  • Quiet Study Areas - Areas of the Library may be designated as quiet study areas.  A patron in these areas who is behaving in any way which disturbs other patrons will be asked to move to a different area of the Library or to leave.
  • Telephones - The telephone may be used only with prior approval from the Library staff. Cell phone use is permitted provided that it is not disruptive to other patrons or to Library staff.
  • Smoking - Smoking of any kind, including e-cigarettes, is not permitted on the premises.
4.6 Unattended Children

The Library, in no way assumes responsibility for any child, under the age of 18 left unattended in the Library.

In case of an emergency, consent to perform first aid is assumed for any children left unattended.

Parents, or guardians of children, attending preschool Library programs must remain in the Library. Children under the age of 8 may not be left unattended in the Library at any time, unless specified otherwise.  If a child under 8 years of age, is unattended in the Library without a parent or responsible caregiver, the Library reserves the right to contact the appropriate authorities, which may include, officers of the law, child protective services, or other responsible parties, which the Library may deem appropriate.

If children 12 years or under are left at the Library at closing time, the staff member in charge will call the appropriate authorities, which may include, officers of the law, child protective services, or other responsible parties.

4.7 Library Code of Conduct

The Library has a responsibility for the protection of public and staff safety, as well as public property. In order to facilitate the protection of people and property, the Library operates with the expectation that everyone who uses the Strathmore Municipal Library is expected to behave in a manner which supports this aim. 

The Strathmore Municipal Library strives to provide its patrons with:

  • Prompt, respectful, and courteous service.
  • Materials and services that appeal to a broad spectrum of the community.
  • A safe and pleasant environment in which to use Library materials and services.

This Code of Conduct is therefore set in place to help achieve these goals and to allow the staff to respond consistently and fairly to all patrons.

  1. Patrons are expected to act with respect and consideration of other patrons and to Library staff. Behaviour that is illegal, unsafe, unruly, disruptive, intrusive, harassing, threatening, or otherwise not appropriate in a public place, is not permitted.
  2. Obscene or abusive language is not permitted.
  3. Behaviour that violates the Internet Use Policy is not permitted.
  4. Deliberate misuse, theft, damage, or destruction of Library materials, equipment, or property is not permitted.
  5. Parents, guardians, and caregivers are required to supervise dependent children and/or adults at all times while on Library property.
  6. Audio/video devices (e.g. iPods, MP3 players, portable DVD players, etc.) may be used in the Library with headphones and with the volume adjusted to a level that is not disruptive to other patrons.
  7. Food and drink in the Library is subject to responsible behavior (bottled or covered drinks, sealed food containers, etc.).
  8. Photographing and filming is not permitted in the Library without authorization from Library staff and patrons.
  9. Patrons are expected to keep their possessions with them at all times. The Library is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
  10. Patrons are not permitted in Staff Only areas without authorization.
  11. The use of e-cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, marijuana or illegal narcotics is not permitted on Library property. Patrons under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or illegal narcotics will be required to leave the Library.

Patrons who violate the Library Code of Conduct will be informed by the staff and may be subject to the following:

  1. Expulsion from the Library’s premises.
  2. Suspension of Library privileges.
  3. Cost-recovery for damages.
  4. Legal prosecution.

Repeat violators, at the discretion of the Director of Library Services, will have their membership revoked.

The Strathmore Municipal Library Board will ensure the provision of necessary qualified staff for Library operations.  The Personnel Policy establishes an equitable and consistent procedure for staff.  The Board shall define the roles, responsibilities and functions of the Director of Library Services and is responsible to hire the Director of Library Services.

The Board and Director of Library Services shall define roles, responsibilities and functions of Employees and Volunteers.

The authority for these policies is documented in the Alberta Libraries Act, Chapter L-11, Amended 2006, Section 7.

5.1 Definitions

“Employee” means an individual hired by the Board or Director of Library Services to provide library services to the community.

“Employer” means the Board.

 “Permanent Full Time Employee” means an Employee who works 30 hours or more per week.

“Permanent Part Time Employee” means an Employee who works fewer than 40 hours per week.

“Volunteer” means a person who is not paid.

“Director” means Director of Library Services.

“Assistant Director” means Assistant Director of Library Services.

Employees of the Strathmore Municipal Library are employees of the Board and must operate within the guidance, programs, policies, and procedures of the Board.

5.2 Administration

5.2.1 Conditions

The policy is applicable to all positions.

The job description of the available position must be approved by the Board before the recruitment process begins.

When hiring the position of Director and Assistant Director, the Board shall create a hiring panel to review applicants and select an appropriate candidate.

The and Director will be involved in the short list and interview process for all other staff being hired.  The level of board involvement will be determined through discussions with the Director before the process begins.

5.2.2. Procedures

All positions will be advertised in-house simultaneously with external advertisements as necessary.

All applications must be submitted in writing with a resume.  Applications will be short-listed to no more than four or five names.

The positions of Director and Assistant Director shall be approved by the Board prior to the position being declared filled. Hiring of all Employees and Volunteer positions, other than those as listed above which are required to be approved by the Board, are the sole responsibility of the Director.  The successful applicant is phoned and a letter offering the position is sent.  The successful applicant must accept in writing for the Personnel File (“Personnel File”).  Reasons for the Board’s decision shall be made available on request.

All unsuccessful short-listed applicants are notified by telephone within one week of the position being filled, i.e. letter of acceptance on file.

When the Director’s position is filled, a notice will be sent to Marigold Library System.

Offers of Employment are subject to review of Police Information check, including a Vulnerable Sector check.

5.2.3 Salaries

The monetary compensation schedule will be reviewed and approved by the Board.  Monetary compensation will be based on education, merit and experience.

Deductions for Canada Pension, Employment Insurance and Worker’s Compensation will be made as required by law.

Permanent employees working an average of 30 or more hours per week with at least one year of service are eligible to participate in the pension plan and are required to enroll. Those eligible employees will be registered and maintained on the plan as required by law and the pension plan rules. Non-continuous (temporary) employees and employees working an average of fewer than 30 hours per week will not be eligible to participate in the pension plan. New employees will be subject to a one year waiting period before enrolling in the plan. Pensionable earnings for all employees include only regular pay. Employees must work 2,080 hours per year in order to earn one year of pensionable service.

Moving or relocation expenses are not covered by the Board.

5.2.4 Absences, Vacation and Leave Entitlement

5.2.4 (a) Vacation

Vacation entitlement will be calculated annually on May 1st of each year.  Vacations shall be taken within the year following the year in which they are earned or will be forfeited.  Any requests for accumulation must be approved by the Board prior to any commitment being made to the Employee requesting same.

Requests for vacation shall be submitted to the Director via an appropriate method as determined by the Director.  Vacation for a given year must be taken by April 30 of the following year.

If a general holiday falls during an Employee’s vacation, the Employee is entitled to an extra day to be taken at the end of the vacation period or at a mutually agreed time if the Employee is entitled to the general holiday.

Employee vacations will be arranged so there is always a minimum of two Employees working during hours of operation, not including the Director.

If an Employee is terminated before taking vacation leave, vacation pay shall be paid out in full. 

Length of Service

  • 1 to 5 years
  • 6 to 14 years
  • 15 years or more


  • 4% of regular earnings
  • 6% of regular earnings
  • 8% of regular earnings

5.2.4 (b) General Holidays

Strathmore Municipal Library recognizes the following as general holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Alberta's Family Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • August Civic Holiday
  • Labour Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Remembrance Day
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day

The Library will be closed on the days listed above and staff will be paid for these days in accordance with Alberta Employment Standards.

5.2.4 (c) Sick Leave

Permanent salaried Employees are entitled to sick pay for absence due to illness or medical appointments (self, spouse, children, or parents) after three months employment.

Sick leave for permanent salaried Employees shall be earned at a rate of one (1) day per month.  The maximum accumulation is twelve (12) days per calendar year.  Part time Employees will be entitled to 3 days of sick pay per year.

The Employee is required to provide proof of illness after five consecutive days of illness.  Such proof shall take the form of a medical certificate. A medical certificate will not be required in the event of a pandemic as outlined in 9.8 Pandemic.

In the event of a pandemic, the Director of Library Services has the option to increase the amount of paid sick leave, as outlined in the Pandemic policy.

Sick leave may be accumulated while employed, but when an Employee terminates employment with the Library, all unused accumulated sick leave is cancelled, without payout, on the last day of employment.

5.2.4(d) Bereavement Leave

Employees who have worked over 100 hours in the previous month shall be entitled to up to three (3) days bereavement leave with pay for the death of a spouse or immediate family member when the funeral is within 450 kilometers away or up to five (5) days if the funeral is further than 450 kilometers away.

Immediate family will include: parents or parents-in-law, grandparents or grandparents-in-law, children or step-children, grandchildren or step-grandchildren, brother or sisters, brothers-in-law or sisters-in-law, daughters-in-law or sons-in-law, guardian, spouse or common-law spouse.

An Employee may be granted leave with pay, by the Board or Director for the purpose of attending a funeral, where deemed appropriate, to a maximum of one (1) day.

A day’s pay will be equivalent to an average pay for that day of the week based on the previous month.

Exceptions to this policy may be approved by the Board chair on a case by case basis.

5.2.4. (e) Court Appearance

When an Employee is subpoenaed to appear as a witness or served notice to serve as a juror under the Jury Act during regular scheduled working hours, the Board will decide at the time of notice whether the Employee will receive regular working pay.

Employees are not entitled to leave with pay to attend court in a private capacity.

The Employee shall supply proof, in the form of a court summons or otherwise, of being called for jury duty to the Board.

5.2.4. (f) Inclement Weather

In the event that a salaried Employee is unable to get to work because of inclement weather, the Employee must make up the lost time.

In the event that an Employee who is paid hourly is unable to get to work because of inclement weather, said Employee shall not be paid.

If the Library is closed by the Director or Assistant Director because of inclement weather, no work time must be made up by an Employee and shall be paid in accordance to their regular shift.

5.2.4. (g) Termination

It is essential to ensure adequate warning and proper documentation of events leading to the decision to terminate are completed and to ensure there is proper compliance with the Employment Standards Code.

An Employee wishing to terminate their employment must give the Employer written notice of their intent to terminate of at least:

  • one (1) week, if employed more than three (3) months but less than two (2) years.
  • two (2) weeks, if employed two (2) years or more.
  • Termination of the Director: the Board will provide written notice or pay in lieu of notice in accordance with the Employment Standards Code.
  • Termination of all other staff members: the Director will provide written notice to the staff member and will inform the Personnel Committee in writing of such action in accordance with the Employment Standards Code.
  • If the Employer serves notice of termination of employment, the Employer may exercise the right to provide compensation in lieu of notice.
  • Where there is potential for wrongful dismissal, legal counsel can be sought.
  • Upon termination, all property belonging to Strathmore Municipal Library, such as keys, books, etc. will be returned on the last day of work.

5.2.5 Work Hours, Pay Periods, Timesheets

5.2.5(a) Work Hours

The normal hours of work for Employees shall be determined by the Board and scheduled by the Director.

The Board must approve any changes in the Director’s regular hours of work.

Overtime will be dealt with according to the Employment Standards Code.

5.2.5(b) Pay Periods

Employees, with the exception of the Director and Assistant Director, are paid on an hourly basis for actual hours worked.

Employees shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis.

5.2.5(c) Time Sheets

Employees are expected to accurately record on their time sheets the exact number of hours, to an increment of 15 minutes, daily, that they work.

Unapproved hours recorded on a time sheet, beyond scheduled hours, will not be paid. 

Falsifying a time sheet is a serious offence and may result in disciplinary action.

Failure to complete a time sheet may result in that time sheet not being submitted to payroll.

The Director is responsible for approving Employees’ timesheets and for ensuring they are submitted to the Town Payroll Department.

5.2.6 Evaluations

Evaluations will be given to Library staff on an annual basis as follows:

  • Director position by the Board.
  • All other staff evaluations will be performed by the Director and/or Board members.

Written evaluations will be given to Employees at the end of their three-month probationary period and annually thereafter for permanent staff. 

All records of performance evaluations will be kept in a locked special file under the supervision of the Director.

5.2.7 Grievance and Confidentiality

A staff member with a grievance shall report such grievance to the Director, and the Director in turn may choose to report said grievance to the Board. If the staff members grievance is with the Director, that staff member must attempt to resolve the grievance with the Director first.  It is the right of the person with an unresolved grievance to approach the Personnel Chair in writing and have a scheduled hearing.

In the event that the Director wishes to make a grievance presentation to the Board, the grievance must first be presented to the Board Chair who will bring it to the next scheduled Board meeting.

5.2.8 Counseling, Discipline, and Suspensions

5.2.8(a) Philosophy

The Strathmore Municipal Library adheres to the philosophy of using counseling and progressive discipline with the objective of correcting real or perceived problems in the area of job performance or Employee behaviour. However, depending on the nature and gravity of the offence, steps in the normal disciplinary process may be bypassed or repeated where circumstances warrant.

5.2.8(b) Counseling

When an Employee is experiencing difficulty in meeting work standards or in conforming to Library regulations, the Employee shall be counseled privately and privately by the Director of Library Services.

Counseling of a non-disciplinary nature is intended to determine the nature of a real or perceived problem, such as:

  • insufficient training or preparation,
  • inadequate job skills
  • misinterpretation of Library policies and regulations,
  • poor communication between the Employee and supervisor,
  • carelessness or negligence, and
  • poor work habits or attitudes.

During the counseling stage, the Director must outline, in clear terms the work performance or conduct expected of the Employee, as well as the method of achieving acceptable work standards and the time frame within which those standards are to be met.

Minutes of matters discussed during counseling sessions shall be compiled by the Director in the form of a memo to the Employee and shall remain confidential between the Director and the Employee only.

5.2.8(c) Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action is initiated where there is just cause. Prior to effecting discipline, investigation of the grounds is required.

Before initiating any disciplinary action, the Director must consult with the Personnel Committee Chair or the Chair of the Board. The reason for prior contact is to maintain consistency within the Library in matters related to discipline.

The Strathmore Municipal Library recognizes the necessity of objective and impartial disciplinary action, which is based upon the actual merits of the case and individual involved. Therefore, disciplinary action must be assessed individually on the merits of each case and Employee, and all documentation related to a disciplinary action must be complete and accurate.

Where progressive discipline is appropriate, normally there are four steps. The nature and gravity of each incident or set of circumstances determine the choice of steps. The four steps are:

  • written warning,
  • short suspension,
  • long suspension, and
  • dismissal

In all cases where disciplinary documents are to be placed on the individual’s Employee file, copies of the disciplinary document are to be provided to the Employee. All disciplinary documents are to remain confidential.

A written warning placed on the individual’s Employee file may be the first corrective action taken depending on the nature and gravity of the offence. A written warning should include:

  • the nature of the unsatisfactory performance or behavior,
  • the remedial action sought,
  • the time frame within which acceptable standards are to be achieved (where applicable), and
  • further disciplinary action that will be taken if expectations are not met.

An Employee may be suspended without pay for the first offence of a serious nature or for continuing infractions where previous corrective discipline has not been effective. First occurrences of offences may justify a brief or lengthy suspension. The following list is not exhaustive, and the offences listed could also be cause for immediate dismissal:

  • disregard for safety regulations.,
  • negligence,
  • physical violence against supervisors or fellow Employees,
  • insubordination,
  • possession and / or consumption of intoxicants (e.g., alcohol, drugs) on Library premises,
  • falsification of official records or documents,
  • deliberate disregard for Library policies and regulations,
  • unauthorized absence from work, or
  • use of foul or abusive language.
  • An Employee may be dismissed for cause without notice. Dismissal generally results from one of the following situations:
  • progressive discipline (through counselling, written warnings, and / or suspensions) has not resulted in the Employee conforming to accepted standards of work performance or conduct, or
  • the nature of the offence is sufficiently serious to warrant immediate dismissal. (e.g., generally for malfeasance, etc.).

Demotion is not one of the regular steps in progressive discipline; however, certain circumstances may warrant consideration of this response instead of or in conjunction with other disciplinary actions. Demotion may be a reasonable response to, but not limited to:

  • recurrent negligence,
  • poor work attitude,
  • unsatisfactory work performance, or
  • disregard for safety regulations.

The terms under which a demotion is imposed must include:

  • a clear statement of the reasons for demotion,
  • a concise summary of the work performance or conduct expected of the Employee,
  • an appropriate time frame within which to accomplish the stated objectives, and
  • a review process by which the supervisor may reasonably assess the Employee's progress.

A Suspension Pending Investigation (“SPI”) removes an Employee from their regularly scheduled hours, without pay (subject to outcome). A SPI may be initiated when an Employee is alleged to have committed an employment-related offence of a serious nature, where further data gathering, or fact-finding is required. This suspension is non-disciplinary in nature.

The Personnel Committee Chair or the Board Chair must be consulted either prior to issuing any SPI or as soon as possible thereafter if prior consultation is not possible.

A SPI is justified when the Employee's presence at work could jeopardize the Library's legitimate interests regarding: operational matters (e.g., disregard for safety regulations, insubordination, reporting for work under the influence of an intoxicant), financial matters (e.g., malfeasance), public effectiveness (e.g., falsification of official records or documents), the interests of fellow Employees (e.g., negligence or physical violence against a supervisor or fellow Employee).

Written notification of an Employee’s SPI should be made to the Town of Strathmore’s Pay Services (“Pay Services’). and A copy of the SPI will be added to the Employee’s personnel file.

It is the responsibility of the Director of Library Services to ensure that any investigation of an Employee's alleged misconduct on the job is carried out quickly and objectively.

Depending on the nature of the alleged offence, the RCMP, consulting lawyers or other resources may need to be contacted to assist with the investigation. In such cases, the Director shall get approval to contact outside resources from the Board Chair.

When an Employee has been charged with a criminal offence, not necessarily related to his or her employment, and is absent from work as a result, the return to work of the Employee is normally contingent upon exoneration before the Courts.

5.2.8(d) Record-Keeping of Disciplinary or Counseling material

If the issues causing the counseling or the disciplinary action are resolved to the satisfaction of the Director, after one year, the documentation of the issue may be removed from the Employee’s personnel file and destroyed and not held against the Employee or management in any way.

5.2.8(e) Dismissal

Except for cause, when the Library dismisses an Employee, notice shall be given in accordance with the Alberta Employment Standards Code.

Employees who have committed offences of a culpable nature justifying dismissal for cause, shall be dismissed without notice

Any Employee desiring to appeal dismissal shall do so to the Board of Directors of the Strathmore Municipal Library. This appeal will remain confidential with only the decision of the Board being public.

An Employee who is on an unauthorized absence from work in excess of three consecutive scheduled shifts shall be deemed to have abandoned employment with the Library, and such Employee will be dismissed for cause from employment, and such dismissal shall be recorded as “dismissed for cause.”

The supervisor shall send the Employee a letter (double-registered or via courier) to the Employee’s current, or last known, address. The letter will state that the Employee is considered to have abandoned employment with the Library as of the last day worked, due to the unauthorized absence from work. The letter will also state that the Employee’s termination will be recorded as “dismissed for cause.”

Where an Employee is able to provide documentary evidence that it was impossible to obtain authorization for his / her absence from work, management may reconsider whether the terminated Employee has abandoned his / her job.

5.2.8(f) Director of Library Services

If the person who potentially needs counseling, discipline or dismissal is the Director of Library Services, then whatever steps deemed necessary for counseling, discipline or dismissal shall be administered and carried out by the Board Chair and the Personnel Committee Chair.

5.3 Procedures

5.3.1  Cash Control

Money and cheques are received at the front desk and entered into the cash register according to the various departments, such as:

  • Membership,
  • Fines,
  • Lost Items,
  • Used Books,
  • Printing/Photocopying, Faxing
  • Barcodes
  • Meeting Room Rentals, and
  • Miscellaneous.

All transactions must be recorded onto the Daily Record form.  Each morning, the Director or Assistant Director collects the cash, cheques, and tracking sheet. Envelopes of cash and cheques are kept in a secured location onsite.

Once a week the Director will collect the daily envelopes.  A bank deposit is prepared by balancing the Daily Record form with the cash register reading and the totals from the tracking sheets.  The bank deposit will reflect the total cash deposit and indicates whether the cash balances with the Daily Record form.  Cash deposits will be performed by the Facility Supervisor (5.6.12). In the event the Facility Supervisor position is vacant, or the Facility Supervisor is unavailable, cash deposits will be performed by the Director or Assistant Director.

5.3.2 Job Site Security

Employees are required to carry out a check of the Library building to ensure that the building is secure at the end of each business day. This check shall include all public access areas. Specific areas which must be checked include:

  • Public washrooms, and
  • rooms available for rent.

Employees shall activate the security alarm, provided the rental rooms are not in use, and ensure that the front doors are locked and secured when leaving the building.

5.4 Management

5.4.1 Harassment

The Strathmore Municipal Library believes in the prevention of violence and harassment and promotes an abuse-free environment in which all people respect one another and work together to achieve common goals.  Any act of violence or harassment committed by or against any worker or member of the public is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated.

We are committed to:

  • investigating reported incidents of violence and harassment in an objective and timely manner,
  • taking necessary action, and
  • providing appropriate support for victims.

No action shall be taken against an individual for making a complaint unless the complaint is made maliciously or without reasonable and probable grounds.

No Employee or any other individual affiliated with this organization shall subject any other person to violence or harassment.

Acts of violence and harassment can take the form of physical contact or non-physical behaviors.  Abuse in any form is an insidious practice that erodes mutual trust and confidence which are essential to the Strathmore Municipal Library’s operational effectiveness. 

5.4.2 Safety

The Library shall ensure a safe environment for workers and patrons as per the most current Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Act, Regulation, and Code.  Employees will have access to OH&S safety guidelines through the Provincial Government website.

The Director is responsible for maintaining a current Emergency Plan (“Emergency Plan”) which must be reviewed annually and updated as required.   The Emergency Plan will include an emergency evacuation plan and a hazard assessment review.

The Emergency Plan and any associated documentation must be readily accessible to all Library staff. 

The Library must have a First Aid Kit on site and it must meet Alberta’s guidelines for what is required, either self-made or purchased.  One Employee per shift must be trained in First Aid. 

5.4.3 Working Alone

Strathmore Municipal Library organizes work schedules and procedures to remove the occurrence of working alone as much as possible.

An Employee is considered to be working alone if the Employee works alone at a work site in circumstances where assistance is not readily available when needed.

Specific precautions can include, but not be limited to:

  • Employees who travel alone on Library business will travel with a cell phone,
  • Employees will ensure that the Director or Assistant Director knows of any changes to the Employee’s schedule, and
  • Employees will ensure that the estimated time of arrival at the destination is known to the relevant party(ies).

The following precautions are suggested for working in an isolated site:

  • Employees will inform a supervisor or a co-worker when working in an isolated site,
  • Employees who are alone in the building when it is closed to the public are to keep the doors locked, and
  • designated Employees who respond to an emergency call after hours use their discretion about notifying another person, provided that the security company or the RCMP are aware of the situation.

5.5 Employee Travel and Expenses

The Strathmore Municipal Library pays for business related expenses incurred by Library Employees while conducting business on behalf of The Strathmore Municipal Library.

The purpose of this policy is to define the business rules and restrictions for Employee travel and expenses.  Failure to adhere to this policy may result in delay or refusal to reimburse Employees for out-of-pocket expenses. The Employee may be required to reimburse The Strathmore Municipal Library for inappropriate purchases, damages to The Strathmore Municipal Library reputation, and unnecessary costs.

5.5.1     Out of town business travel – General

  • The Strathmore Municipal Library will pay the cost of all reasonable expenses incurred by Employees while traveling on Library business.
  • All out of town business travel must be approved in advance by The Strathmore Municipal Library Board of Directors.
  • All Employee travel on Library business is done at the expense of The Strathmore Municipal Library.  Employees are instructed to decline any offers to travel at the expense of a for-profit third party, as gratuitous travel may be construed as placing the Employee under an obligation or in a conflict of interest.
  • The corporate credit card is the preferred method of payment for all travel expenses incurred on behalf of The Strathmore Municipal Library.
  • Original, detailed receipts are required for all expenses, regardless of the method of payment or amount.  If an original receipt is not available, a copy of the receipt with an explanation is acceptable.  If no receipt is available, an explanation must be provided or no reimbursement may result.
  • The Library will pay only for expenses that are business related.  When combining vacation with business travel, Employees are responsible for all incremental costs associated with the personal component of the trip.  Employees are also responsible for any incremental costs associated with accompanying family members.
5.5.2     Air Travel
  • Library Employees are responsible to ensure that air travel costs are minimized, by providing up to three quotes once their travel request is approved in order to obtain the most economical fare.
5.5.3     Use of personal vehicle for business travel
  • Employees using their personal vehicle for out of town business travel may request reimbursement, as per Canadian Revenue Agency (“CRA”) guidelines, for mileage to and from their destination.
  • The mileage amount claimed must be estimated to be equal to or less than the total cost of return airfare and taxi.  Otherwise, the Employee must travel by air unless personal vehicle travel has been pre-approved by the Strathmore Municipal Library Board of Directors.
  • The Library does not pay for fuel for Employees’ personal vehicles.
  • On any Library business trip where two or more Employees are travelling to the same event/destination the Library expects the Employees to use any and all reasonable methods to minimize costs, such as car-pooling.
  • If two or more Employees travel together on Library business in one car, only one Employee may claim reimbursement for the mileage.
  • Employees must record and retain an accurate measure of the trip’s mileage, via a method such as Google Maps, in order to claim mileage.
5.5.4     Accommodation
  • Accommodation expenses must be the most reasonable rates and occupancy available to minimize costs.
  • Detailed accommodation receipts that itemize the amount per night and all other charges (including long-distance, meals, and parking) are required.  Only long-distance calls for Library business reasons will be reimbursed.
5.5.5     Rental vehicle insurance
  • Employees must purchase a Collision Damage Waiver if they rent a vehicle outside Alberta or intend to travel outside Alberta on Strathmore Municipal Library business.
5.5.6     Personal vehicle insurance
  • Employees must have motor vehicle insurance to use their personal vehicle for all Strathmore Municipal Library business, including travel.
  • Employees shall inform their insurance provider if they intend to use their personal vehicle to conduct Strathmore Municipal Library business and verify with their insurance provider that their motor vehicle insurance will cover the intended business travel/use.
5.5.7     Other business travel expenses
  • Examples of common types of business-related travel expenditures include Employee meals and gratuities, vehicle rentals, fuel for rental vehicles, parking, taxis and public transit.
  • Other expenses may be allowed at the discretion of the Director of Library Services who should be consulted regarding what types of expenditures are acceptable prior to the Employee’s departure.
  • If more than one Library Employee is attending the same out of town event, only one Employee shall incur the cost of any shared expenses such as meals or taxis.  A list of Employee names using the shared expense must be provided.
  • If an Employee is paying for food and beverages on behalf of individuals who are external to The Strathmore Municipal Library, guest names, company and the nature of business discussed must be provided.
  • Original detailed receipts are required for all expenses, regardless of the method of payment or amount.  If an original receipt is not available, a copy of the receipt with an explanation is acceptable.  If no receipt is available, an explanation must be provided or no reimbursement may result.
5.5.8     Other Employee expenses
  • Examples of other common types of Employee expenses include:
    • food and beverages for meetings, events and business lunches,
    • course, conference and seminar registration fees, and
    • memberships and subscriptions.
  • Other expenses may be allowed at the discretion of the Director of Library Services.  Employees must seek pre-authorization from the Director of Library Services for all Employee expenses.
  • If several Library Employees are part of the same business expense, only one Employee shall incur the cost.
  • If an expense, in whole or in part, is on behalf of another Strathmore Municipal Library Employee(s), the name(s) of the participating Employee(s) must be provided (e.g., expenses for courses, conferences, memberships, group registrations, recognition items, airfare, business lunches, etc.).
  • No Employee may approve their own expenses.
  • If an employee is paying for food and beverages on behalf of individuals who are external to The Strathmore Municipal Library, guest names, company and the nature of business discussed must be provided.
  • The corporate credit card is the preferred method of payment for employee expenses incurred on behalf of The Strathmore Municipal Library.
  • Original, detailed receipts are required for all expenses, regardless of the method of payment or amount.  If an original receipt is not available, a copy of the receipt with an explanation is acceptable.  If no receipt is available, an explanation must be provided or no reimbursement may result.
5.5.9     Traffic violations
  • The Library will not pay for reimburse Employees for traffic violations (e.g., speeding or parking tickets).
5.5.10    Travel advances
  • If an Employee does not have a corporate credit card and is required to travel out of town on Strathmore Municipal Library business, they may request a travel advance.  The advance should not exceed a reasonable estimate of the cost of the trip.  Advances are only issued in Canadian dollars. Advances should not be taken more than ten (10) working days prior to departure.  The Director of Library Services must approve the Travel Advance Request form (Appendix F) and must include the details of trip in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer for payment to be made.  All travel expenses, substantiated by original receipts, must be reconciled with all advances taken.  The Library will not refund or require refund for any amount of five dollars or less.
  • When an advance has been received and the trip is cancelled, Employees must notify the Director of Library Services and the Secretary/Treasurer and immediately refund the advance.
  • Employees with corporate credit cards are not entitled to travel advances.  All expenses incurred while travelling on Library business should be charged to the corporate credit card.
5.5.11 Expense reports
  • Employees who pay for business expenses from personal funds must complete an expense report (Appendix G) in writing on all expenses claimed that briefly explains all expenses claimed.  Original detailed receipts must be provided and the expense report must be approved by the Director of Library Services prior to reimbursement.

Policy Statement:

  • Strathmore Municipal Library is committed to providing a safe and inclusive work environment for all employees in the library. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.


  • Workplace harassment means any single incident or repeated incidents of objectionable or unwelcome conduct, comment, bullying or action by a person that the person knows or ought reasonably to know will or would cause offence or humiliation to a worker, or adversely affects the worker’s health and safety, and includes conduct, comment, bullying or action because of race, religious beliefs, colour, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status, gender, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, and a sexual solicitation or advance.
  • Reasonable action taken by the employer or supervisor relating to the management and direction of workers or a work site is not workplace harassment.

Reporting Procedure:

  • Any employee who has experienced or witnessed harassment is encouraged to report the incident to the Director of Library Services.
  • Reports can be made in person, by phone, or in writing.
  • Employer pledges to respect the privacy of all concerned as much as possible. Employer will not disclose the circumstances related to an incident of harassment or the names of the parties involved (including the complainant, the person alleged to have committed the harassment, and any witnesses) except where necessary to investigate the incident, to take corrective action, to inform the parties involved in the incident of the results of the investigation and corrective action taken, or as required by law.


  • The library will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of all harassment reports. The employee who made the report will be informed of the outcome of the investigation and any corrective action that has been taken.

Disciplinary Action:

  • If the investigation determines that harassment has occurred, the library will take disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, as appropriate.


  • The library will provide support to employees who have experienced harassment, including counseling and other resources as needed.
  • No workers can be penalized, reprimanded or in any way criticized when acting in good faith while following this policy and the supporting procedures for addressing situations involving harassment. This harassment prevention policy does not discourage a worker from exercising the worker’s right under any other law, including the Alberta Human Rights Act.


  • All employees will receive training on this policy and their rights and responsibilities related to harassment.


  • This policy will be reviewed and updated on regular basis to ensure that it reflects the needs and concerns of the library’s employees.

The Library Board is responsible for the financial management of Library operations including the creation and approval of an annual budget and monthly reporting.

6.1 Cheques
6.1.1 Cheque Signing Authority

The Chair, Treasurer, and Finance Chair shall be the signing Officers of the Board with any two signatures necessary on cheques.

6.1.2 Cheque approval

Cheques made that are equal to or exceed $25,000 (Twenty five thousand) need the approval of the Board prior to signing and sending the cheque.  Approval can be granted via email vote by the Board if a unanimous vote is obtained.

6.2 Director of Library Services Spending Authority

The Director of Library Services shall be authorized to spend up to the budgeted amount for materials and services.  Spending above the budgeted amount requires prior approval from the Board.  Any contract or monetary outlay covering multiple budget years must be approved by the Board.

6.3 Gifts and Donations

Gifts of money, real property, and/or stock, will be accepted if conditions attached thereto are acceptable to the Board. 

The Library will not accept for deposit, money, real property, and/or stock which are not outright gifts.

6.4 Annual Budget

The annual budget shall be based on the Plan of Service developed and adopted by the Board. 

The annual budget shall consist of an operational and capital budget prepared in accordance with the deadlines as set by the Town of Strathmore.

6.5 Fund Raising Events

The Board shall participate in and oversee fund raising events.

6.6 Board Authority for Insurance, Building Maintenance, and Capital Needs

The Board shall ensure adequate insurance, building maintenance and replacement, and capital needs are met and/or planned for.

6.7 Capital Assets

The Board follows generally accepted accounting principles for recording, tracking, and accounting for its capital assets.  The Board also follows any related specific policies as approved by the Town of Strathmore.

The Library may receive contributions of capital assets as donations or gifts.  The value of these contributions is considered to be its fair market value at the date of contribution.

The following, which is consistent with the guidelines for the Town of Strathmore, shows capitalization thresholds (the cost at which an asset must be capitalized) and the estimated useful life for each asset class:


Asset Class

Capitalization Threshold

Estimated Useful Life

Furniture, fixtures


10 years

IT Hardware, software


3 years

6.8 Capital investments

All investments of the liquid assets made by The Board must be made with minimal/no risk investments.  The Board will ensure that a minimum of 25% of the annual budget to a maximum of $200,000 is held in liquid assets and no more than 25% of the Library’s liquid assets may be locked into an investment that exceeds one (1) year.

6.9 Audit

The Board will ensure an audit is done of the Library’s finances each year.  The auditor shall be approved by the Board.  The Board Treasurer shall report the results of the audit to the Board.  The Director of Library Services and Board Chair must approve the audit report.  A signed original copy of the audit report will be sent to Town Council and to Municipal Affairs accompanying the Annual Program Operating Grant application.

The Board shall represent the Library to the entire community and all levels of government.

Trustees shall be available, on a voluntary basis, to speak to business and community organizations upon request.

7.1 Media Relations

The Chair shall be authorized to speak to the media on behalf of the Board.  The Director of Library Services and Assistant Director are authorized to speak to the media on day to day operations.

7.2 Government Relations

The Board shall monitor relevant legislation and interact with elected officials and relevant government and/or industry organizations such as ALTA, CLA, and Marigold.

7.3 Community Relations

The Board and all library employees shall develop positive community relations.

The Board shall periodically assess the needs of the community.

The Board shall endeavor within fiscal, legislative, and personnel constraints to respond to the needs of the community.

The Board is committed to presenting a positive, progressive library image to the public.  The Board recognizes that the Library must package and promote its services and materials to the public in order to achieve maximum usage.

The Board recognizes that public relations involve every person associated with the Library.  The Board urges the Trustees and Employees to realize they represent the Library in every public context.

It is vital that civic leaders be kept informed of the Library’s goals, objectives, and services.

7.4 Marketing Strategies

The Board and Director of Library Services shall jointly develop and implement marketing strategies.

7.5 Library Principles

The Board endorses and is committed to adhere to the following statements and Acts:

  • Statement of Intellectual Freedom.
  • Statement on Information and Telecommunications Technology.
  • Statement on Internet Access.
  • Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
  • Libraries Act of Alberta.

7.5.1 Statement of Intellectual Freedom

The Board endorses the Canadian Library Association (CLA) Statement of Intellectual Freedom, adopted in 1974 and amended in 1983, 1985 and 2015.

“all persons in Canada have a fundamental right, subject only to the Constitution and the law, to have access to the full range of knowledge, imagination, ideas, and opinion, and to express their thoughts publicly. Only the courts may abridge free expression rights in Canada. 

The Canadian Library Association affirms further that libraries have a core responsibility to support, defend and promote the universal principles of intellectual freedom and privacy. 

The Canadian Library Association holds that libraries are a key institution in Canada for rendering expressive content accessible and affordable to all. Libraries are essential gateways for all persons living in Canada to advance themselves through literacy, lifelong learning, social engagement, and cultural enrichment. 

Libraries have a core responsibility to safeguard and facilitate access to constitutionally protected expressions of knowledge, imagination, ideas, and opinion, including those which some individuals and groups consider unconventional, unpopular or unacceptable. To this end, in accordance with their mandates and professional values and standards, libraries provide, defend and promote equitable access to the widest possible variety of expressive content and resist calls for censorship and the adoption of systems that deny or restrict access to resources.

Libraries have a core responsibility to safeguard and foster free expression and the right to safe and welcoming places and conditions. To this end, libraries make available their public spaces and services to individuals and groups without discrimination.  

Libraries have a core responsibility to safeguard and defend privacy in the individual’s pursuit of expressive content. To this end, libraries protect the identities and activities of library users except when required by the courts to cede them. 

Furthermore, in accordance with established library policies, procedures and due process, libraries resist efforts to limit the exercise of these responsibilities while recognizing the right of criticism by individuals and groups. 

Library employees, volunteers and employers as well as library governing entities have a core responsibility to uphold the principles of intellectual freedom in the performance of their respective library roles.”

7.5.2 Statement on Information and Telecommunications Access Principles

The Board endorses the Statement on Information and Telecommunications Access Principles as adopted by the CLA in 1994, amended in 2012.

“All Canadians have the right to:

1. Universal, Equitable, and Affordable Access to Robust ICT networks

1.1. Access to high-speed ICT networks should be available and affordable to all regardless of factors such as age, religion, ability, gender, sexual orientation, social and political views, national origin, economic status, location and level of information literacy.

1.2. Special efforts should be made to ensure equity of access in rural and remote areas and access to inclusive technologies for people with disabilities.

1.3. A public policy framework should support the development of ICT infrastructure that meets high standards of speed, reliability and universality.

2. Access to Information Literacy

2.1. Everyone should have the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to find and use information using ICT.

3. Open Access to Information

3.1. Open access to information should be encouraged at all levels of government and in all publicly-funded institutions. This information should be available free of charge with as little restriction on re-use and modification as possible

3.2. Government and public institutions should take responsibility for archiving information in order to preserve collective memory.

4. Freedom of Expression

4.1. Individuals have the right to create, share, exchange, access and receive the widest range of ideas, information and images.

4. 2. Public policy should encourage neutrality of traffic flow on ICT networks, neither privileging nor restricting information based on content or type. Libraries and other knowledge organizations should encourage the development and use of neutral search and retrieval mechanisms.

5. Privacy

5.1. Privacy of personal information on ICT networks should be carefully protected by legislation.

5.2. In all situations, there should be a written statement outlining the purpose for which personal data is collected. The collection of personal information should be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified by the organization. Consent should be required for the collection of personal information and the subsequent use or disclosure of this information.

5.3. This data should not be traded or sold without the express written permission of the individual affected. Information about privacy policies and mechanisms should be easily accessible and all changes to these should be made on an "opt-in" basis.

5.4. Individuals should have the right to examine their own personal information collected by government, public bodies and corporations and to have mistakes corrected, both without charge.”

7.5.3 Statement on Internet Access

The Board endorses the Statement on Internet Access as adopted by the CLA in 1997, amended in 2000.

“CLA encourages libraries:

To offer Internet access with the fewest possible restrictions,

To familiarize themselves, their governing bodies and their communities with the legal issues surrounding the provision of Internet access and to integrate such legal reference points into their access policies,

To incorporate Internet use principles into overall policies on access to library resources, including time, place, and manner restrictions on Internet use, and user behaviour policies and to publicize these policies widely and post them prominently in library facilities and on electronic media,

To safeguard the long-standing relationship of trust between libraries and children, their parents and guardians, in developing Internet use policies and practices, acknowledging the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians,

To create library web pages consistent with resource priorities that point to appropriately reviewed sites both for general use and for use by children,

To educate their publics about intellectual freedom principles and the shared responsibility of public and school libraries, parents, and guardians in facilitating access to resources in various forms of media, including the Internet, and

To assume active leadership in community awareness of, and dialogue on, the issues inherent in the informed use of this essential, yet non-selective and unregulated medium in libraries.”

7.5.4 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

The Board and its Employees shall comply with Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act).