Digital Skills

Learn the basics of using a computer. 

Learn how to use an email program to open an email and work with attachments.  Learn how to find files, use a USB drive, use a web browser, and other basic tasks (including typing). 

First Click

Coming this Fall!

If computers scare you and you don’t know how to get past the power button this class is for you.

We take the fear out of laptops by learning what the different pieces are and how they work together. You'll learn about the mouse, use a USB drive, figure out folders, and more. There will be lots of time to practice skills, ask questions, and learn together in this relaxed class.

This is a beginners class. No computer skills necessary to join.

*Financial assistance available.


Typing Skills

By appointment | $30*

In person at the Program Room.

If typing is one of your goals let us know. We can set you up for success.

You’ll learn how to find your home keys, and get started in this self-study course with regular check-ins.


* Financial assistance available.